This final exam/final project period appears to have been the most successful one we have had to date, both for the students and for the Library. We had originally decided to increase our regular extended 2:00 a.m. hours from one week to two weeks, but after receiving pleas from a couple student groups seeking even longer hours, we decided to investigate even lengthening some of our hours beyond 2:00 a.m. into several full 24-hour days as a trial. After consulting with some of our colleagues at Rollins College, Elon University and Connecticut College, who are already providing 24-hour operation, we looked at our own staff resources and decided to remain open for four distinct 24-hour (overnight) periods during the final two weeks of the semester. These included two 24-hours periods in the first week when papers and projects were being completed and the other two 24-hour periods in the final week when exams were actually being administered.
The trial was extremely well received by the students. An average of some 275 students were present in the Library at some time during each of the four extended periods, and comments provided by students directly to the Library staff were very positive. Many expressions of gratitude were received. In addition a more formal online survey was sent out to all students at the end, and even though it was the last day of the semester, 315 students took the time to respond. Analysis of the survey showed that 81.9% of the respondents took advantage of the Library’s total offering of extended hours, and written comments clearly indicate the appreciation of the students and their interest in having the 24-hour periods continue during the final weeks of future semesters. Many students expressed that they did much better in their exams and final projects because they had the additional library hours available to them.
At the same time we in the Library were very pleased to be able to provide this level of service and support that was so well received by the students, and it is our intention to continue this in the future, and maybe even increase it slightly.
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